Manila Bankers

File a Claim


  1. Written receipt/acknowledgment of claim documents from Manila Bankers and General Insurance Corporation.
  2. Documents to be submitted must be clear and readable.
  3. Claimant must be reminded of the following:
    1. Claim must be reported/filed AS SOON AS POSSIBLE from the date of the accident.
    2. Claim will be processed upon submission of the complete documents.
    3. Insurance Company reserves the right to require other documents not herein mentioned but necessary to support the validity of the claim.
    4. The acknowledgment of the requirements is not an outright admission of liability. (This must be made clear in the written acknowledgment)
    5. Insurance Company is under no obligation to honor any settlement voluntarily entered into by the assured in the absence of written consent of the Insurance Company.
    6. Section 251 of the Insurance Code, as amended, imposes “a fine not exceeding twice the amount claimed and/or imprisonment of two (2) years, or both, at the discretion of the court, to any person who presents or causes to be presented any fraudulent claim for the payment of the loss under a contract of insurance, and who fraudulently prepares, makes or subscribes any writing with intent to present or use the same, or allow it to be presented in support of any claim.”

REMARKS: All documents not in English must be accompanied by certified English translations


  1. Valid ID card (local) or Passport (international) (photocopy)
  2. Policy (photocopy)
  3. E-Ticket (routing trip ticket)

COVID - 19
In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Medical certificate (original copy)
  2. RT-PCR test result (original copy)
  3. Hospital statement of account and official receipts (original copy)
  4. Official receipts of medicine bought outside the hospital (original copy)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Police report (original)
  2. Death certificate (original copy)
  3. Marriage certificate - if the beneficiary is the surviving spouse of the assured (original copy)
  4. Birth certificate - if the beneficiary is the parent or child of the assured (original copy)
  5. Birth certificate of the assured and beneficiary - the beneficiary is the sibling of the assured (original copy)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Medical Certificate/ Clinical abstract (original)
  2. Police/Incident report - if the accident (original)
  3. Official receipts of medical/ hospital/pharmacy expenses (original copies) 4. Statement of Account (original copy)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Irregular report from the airline (clear copy)
  2. Official receipts of food, lodging, and/or transportation expenses (original copies)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Certificate from the Airline stating the reason for the flight delay/missed connecting flight (original copy)
  2. Flight itinerary - such as itinerary issued by the travel agency prior to commencement of trip (original copy)
  3. Any documentation showing the actual flight taken such as boarding pass, updated itinerary flight irregularity report detailing the actual schedule.

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Medical certificate - if due to serious illness or injury (original copy)
  2. Death certificate (original copy)
  3. Marriage certificate - if the beneficiary is the surviving spouse of the assured (original copy)
  4. Birth certificate - if the beneficiary is the parent or child of the assured (original copy)
  5. Birth certificate of the assured and beneficiary - the beneficiary is the sibling of the assured (original copy) 6. Official receipts of re-booked and non-refundable lodging and transportation (original copy)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from the airline or carrier in case the delay occurred when such baggage was under their custody (original copy)
  2. Acknowledgement of baggage receipt or form stating the exact date and time that the luggage was retrieved (original copy)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Formal complaint before the police at the place where the incident occurred, duly listing the contents of the luggage and value (original copy).
  2. Property Irregularity Report (PIR) from Airline or Hotel (original copy)
  3. Official Receipts of lost items (original copy)
  4. Certification from the hotel or any other party that the loss was not indemnified, or if the settlement was made, certification Specifying the amount settled. (original copy)

In addition to the basic requirements

  1. Police report - from the place where the incident transpired (original copy)
  2. Incident report - lost inside the airport premises (original)
  3. Official receipts of transportation and communication expenses in acquiring replacement passport/travel tickets (original copy)


  1. Copy of the itinerary corresponding to the delay in reaching the destination.
  2. Incident report or certification from the airline/carrier that a strike/hijack occurred. (original) 3. Original public documents (e.g. newspapers, magazines, etc.) that report the said incident.